Process Work Behind the Logo: Salt & Light Photography

Process Work Behind the Logo: Salt & Light Photography

The first thing that stood out when I meet Katie Werner, the photographer behind Salt & Light Photography, was her genuine and bubbly personality! When she asked me to design a logo for her budding photography business, I was excited to create a logo that personified her lovely personality! I asked her what adjectives best describe the future logo of Salt & Light Photography, and Katie replied "clean, classy, cheerful, fresh, bright, and joyful!" So that was my goal.


I presented Katie with two logo design options that played off of the idea of "Salt" and "Light". The design schemes were presented in black and white because you don't want to become distracted by color this early in the design phase. Our first goal was to nail down the core structure of the design...color would be added later!

If you follow Salt & Light Photos on Instagram or Facebook, then you know which logo she selected. I'll show you the final branding board next week along with the coordinating mood board! For more information on our branding and logo packages, check out the "branding" section of our Etsy Shop.

-Emily Kirby

A New Branding Package: Salt & Light Photography

A New Branding Package: Salt & Light Photography

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