A New Branding Package: Salt & Light Photography

A New Branding Package: Salt & Light Photography

Last week I shared the process work behind the new logo for Katie Werner's company, Salt & Light Photography. This week, I am excited to share with you the final product! Check out her branding package below:


Above is an example of one of the patterns and alternate logos paired together. Top right is the mood board that helped direct the look, feel, and color of the brand. Working on a mood board with a client is so helpful because it makes sure we are on the same page! (and it gets everyone excited about starting!)

A little shout out for Katie...she takes the sweetest photos! Follow her on Instagram and see what I'm talking about! Currently, we are creating a Square Space site for Salt & Light Photography that will coordinate with the new branding! Can't wait to share this portion of the project with you in the next few weeks!

Thanks for reading and following! Let me know if you have any questions on the logo design or branding process!

Emily Kirby

Follow Friday: Melissa Griffin Photography

Follow Friday: Melissa Griffin Photography

Process Work Behind the Logo: Salt & Light Photography

Process Work Behind the Logo: Salt & Light Photography